St Luke, So-called Gospel Book of St Augustine, Rome, late sixth century. Corpus Christi College library, Cabridge. |
St. Matthew, Book of Lindisfarne, Late seventh century. British Museum, London. |
St Matthew, Codex Aureus of Canterbury, eighth century. Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm. |
St John the Evangelist, Gospels of St Medard of Soissons. Palace school of Charlemagne, early ninth century. Bibliothѐque Nationale, Paris. |
Angels holding the four winds and the Angel with the Seal, (Revelation VII, I-2). Beatus Apocalypse. Spain. Courtesy the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. |
The first day of Creation, Caedmon’s poems. England, second half of tenth century. Bodleian Library, Oxford. |
The Baptism of Christ. Benedictional of St Aethelwold. Winchester, 975-980. Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. |
St Peter receiving the Keys Book of Pericopes of Henrich ΙΙ. Reichenau, early eleventh century. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich. |
Joseph’s dream Pericopes of Henrich ΙΙ. Before 1014. Staatliche Bibliothek, Bamberg. |