Designed by TemplatesBox


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237,5x 86x35 cm.
From the Simon Spierer
collection “A forest of sculptures”
(“Wald der Skulpturen”)

Bright signals, 1985
Iron, light, height 303 cm.
Iron, light, height 325 cm.
Emfietzoglou Collection
Iron, 106 x 120 x130 cm.
Emfietzoglou Collection
Signals, 1974 – 1988
Iron, height 395 cm.
Iron, height 560 cm.
Iron, height 533 cm.
Iron, height 595 cm.
Iron, height 410 cm.

Signals Eolika, 1976-1989
Iron, height 543 cm.
Iron, height 355 cm.
Iron, height 570 cm.

Sphere with magnets
Iron, magnets 322 x 48 x 28 cm.
Emfietzoglou Collection